God rest you merry gentlemen   

  • 小撮 2007年12月24日




  • 缎子


  • 小撮
    God rest ye merry gentlemen
    Let nothing you dismay
    Remember Christ our savior
    Was born on Christmas day
    To save us all from Satans power
    When we were gone astray
    Oh tidings of comfort and joy
    From God our heavenly father
    Brooks Garth
    The blessed angel came
    And unto certain shepherds
    Brought tidings of the same
    How that in Bethlehem was born
    The Son of God by name
    Oh tidings of comfort and joy
    Oh tidings of comfort and joy
    Fear not said the angel
    Let nothing you affright
    This day is born a savior
    Of the pure virgin bright
    To free all those who trust in him
    Oh tidings of comfort and joy
    And when they came to Bethlehem
    Where our dear savior lay
    They found him in the manger
    Where oxen feed on hay
    His mother Mary kneeled down
    And to the Lord did pray
    Oh tidings of comfort and joy
    Oh tidings of comfort and joy
    God rest ye merry gentlemen
    Let nothing you dismay
    Remember Christ our savior
    Was born on Christmas day
  • 小撮


    昨天在电影频道偶尔看到一部圣诞节题材的外国电影,在教堂里唱的就是这首歌。一听觉得旋律特耳熟,夫人说张韶涵有一首歌是根据它改编的,但忘了歌名,于是上网狂搜一通,把能找到的张韶涵的歌一首一首地过,但多了,听不过来,每首歌只能听上几个小节,这样找来找去,一直没找到。夫人说,这样搜不是办法,试试“张韶涵 改编”作为关键词。一试,还真灵,真的搜出一张网页,原来那首歌叫《寓言》,英文原版的歌名是God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen。再用这个英文歌名一搜,就搜出了这个视频。

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