A Sorrowful Hike   

  • 追梦 2012年6月17日

    The day, Jun, 9th, was the 2nd anniversary of my late father. I didn't choose to go back to my hometown to pray in front of his tomb instead of a hike. Not because the time is limited, just because I think everyone has his own style of memorial. Father is always in my heart. I knew the day was bound to end unhappily.

    That day, we,6 hikers, were going to reach over 750metres and have a 14KM's hike. The mountains are named Qingshan Mountain and Wujiashan Mount. Shanren was the leader , an experenced climber.

    It so happened that a funeral procession was going slowly just in front of our bus . The special firing crackers smelled sad, just like my feeling. Father fell down suddenly without any words and no one around him 2 years ago. Till now I didn't want say a word about his death. Maybe I am too weak or limit. Maybe my words make no sence.

    After we got off the bus,we were walking along a road, It leaded us to the Qingshan Mount. It was hotter and hotter, the road was getting more and more narrow and we kept drinking water. 3 hours later, about 12 o'clock, we were led by Shanren to an old house, which has about 300 years' history. There are only older keepers left, two couples.They were warmed-hearted. An old lady, about 70 years old made seveval cups of tea and took many chairs to the main house for us. One of them,seemed more than 50 years old farmer, chatted with us. He told us his daughters and sons were in different cities. Each lunar year, daughters' families and sons' families come back to this old big house and see their parents. We asked how old he was. He said he had been 65years old. His age made us surprised. He is the same age as my father, but he looked more younger than his age. He always kept smiling while speaking to us. We can see he was so satiesfied with his present life. Anyway, I am glad to see this man's happy life. This made me think of my father.If Father was still alive, he would be also elegant and comfortable.

    At 5 o'clock p.m. we ended this hike then we retured our respective home.

    This article is not for all people, just for myself. Sorry for my selfish. Thanks for your reading.

    Jun. 17. 2012 (Father's Day)
  • 追梦




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    A sad prose.

    Time will heal all wounds.
