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哪里去找呢?当然是Gizmo's Freeware,The #1 Most Bookmarked Freeware Site,列为书签最多的免费软件网站第一名。
这就是Gizmo's Freeware:
- 完全由志愿者支撑的非商业社区网站。
- 以前只推介PC软件,现在也评测手机应用。
- 以前只有英文版,后来有了西班牙文版,现在还有了中文版(虽然还很不全面但也够用)。
- 想要的软件可能没有?应该不会,门类齐全。
- 免费软件那么多,用那个呢?Best名单里的前几个,总有一款适合你。
- 来源不明,软件包里有私货?不提供下载,只有开发者官方链接。
- 是的,推介的所有软件都是免费软件。
- 还有,网上连个广告都没有。
Gizmo's Freeware is a non-commercial community website staffed entirely by volunteers.
Our primary function is to help you select the best freeware product for your particular needs.
The best freeware programs are as good as or better than their commercial counterparts but finding the most appropriate program can be challenging.
Sure, there are dozens of freeware download sites on the web, but few of these actually help you select the best program for your needs.
That's what we do here. No downloads, just honest advice and useful guidance.
It's honest because this is a community-based site staffed by volunteers and we have no commercial affiliations.
In August 2010, PC Magazine included Gizmo's Freeware in its "100 Top Websites of 2010."